
Amanda Mae Gray, CEO & Founder

BluePlate merges short form video with key messaging to deliver a consistent modern training to your customer facing team. We optimize high level concepts in a digestible mode that your team communicates best in. By utilizing delivery to their own devices we streamline the process while maintaining their focus in their learning style. 

This turnkey program takes the guesswork out of video creation while collaborating with your brand to deliver a customized message. Snackables are sticky. Make your trainings current, fun, and sticky!

The phrase “blue plate special” comes from diners of days gone by. Each day would feature a new meal that was affordable and filling. BluePlate.io aims to emulate that homegrown feel with their TikTok style videos utilizing your own workforce at a fraction of the cost and time traditional videos take.

Professional and on brand while remaining culturally current, your new training program delivers not only views but retention for maximum effect. The video analytics are delivered in easy to understand graphics to measure the full impact of your dollars spent. 

BluePlate.io is revolutionizing the way upper management communicates to each individual team member through consistent on brand videos they’ll want to watch. 

Be the shockwave in your company by engaging with BluePlate.io today. 

BluePlate CEO & Founder, Amanda Mae Gray is an on camera expert embracing content creation. Years as an actress and model, she mastered the comfortability in front of a lens while gaining the insider knowledge of filming. While building that career, she worked in retail sales and recruiting experiencing first hand what it’s like to work and manage the face to face landscape.

During the pandemic, she was presented with the unique opportunity to combine those two worlds to create better training videos that speak to the modern workforce. BluePlate.io was formed to address those needs for a turnkey short form video process to revolutionize the way companies connect with their teams all across the country.

Save time, money, and most importantly frustration by taking the guess work out of producing and tracking the content your culture craves and your CEO raves about!

We look forward to collaborating with you!